After days of searching for a worthy captain to take us from South America to Central America, we finally found the dirty sexual attitude we were looking for, Captain Fredrico. His ship Sacanagem (lit. filthy behaviour, dirtiness, unfairness, lewdness, licentiousness), was ready to take us from Cartagena in Colombia to San Blas in Panama along with 9 other filthy mochileros. 200 nautical miles with no harbour in sight, only seawater to wash with, is all forgotten as night time comes and hundreds of tiny bioluminescent plankton scintillating like the starlit sky above, and yet again it slips our minds as a large family of dolphins jumps and plays next by the boat for miles. In San Blas (Kuna Yala) we frolic like dolphins ourselves as we snorkel the long coral reefs for days, fishing and eating fresh caught sushi, showering by the bonfire in the evening rain. Later in the evenings our Captain would tell stories of sunken ships, treasures and murder mysteries.