As we entered what looked like a theme park we feared Iguazu Falls had been over-hyped. Descenting along the sweltering concrete jungle paths we were surprised to see lizards, monkeys and butterflies. Breaks in the trees then revealed amazing views and cooling mist. The beautiful lower falls were a combination of millions of tiny waterfalls divided by lush green vegetation. Birds glided to and from their nests between the rainbows and gushing water. A fairground train ride through quiet jungle took us towards the top of the falls. Walkways over strangely calmĀ water lead us to the edge also known as the Devil’s Mouth. The transformation of the tranquil water at top to the might and noise as it fell was astonishing. The immense volume of water crashing, spraying and evaporating impossible to comprehend. The giant upper falls were so powerful they played with our imaginations.